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公共三级英语写作 | 用词及表达总结

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公共三级英语写作 | 用词及表达总结(图1)



have access to… 获取……,接近……(=be easily accessible to)

exert a profound impact/influence/effect on 对……产生深远影响

benefit from…  从……中受益(反义:do harm for… 危害……)

cultivate awareness/morality/interest… 培养意识/道德/兴趣等

increase/enhance/improve of … 提高…...(如:效率 efficiency)

allow/enable sb to do 使某人做……

relieve the stress/burden on sb 减轻某人的压力/负担(反义:put pressure on sb 给某人带来压力)

unlock/develop/tap sb`s potential 开发潜能(反义:limit/restrict sb`s creativity 限制创造力)

rely on/ depend on 依赖,依靠(反义:be independent of… 不依赖……)

lay a solid foundation for… 为……打下坚实的基础

lay the groundwork for… 为……打下基础

pave a way for… 为……路

offer sb sth 提供某人……(=provide sb with sth)

take part in 参与……(=participate in doing)

prevent sth/ sb from doing 阻止某人做某事(反义:give sb an incentive to do 给某人动力做某事)

be accustomed to sth/doing 习惯于做某事(=be used to doing)

widen/narrow the gap between the rich and poor 增大/缩小差距

in the long run 从长远角度而言(=from a long-term perspective)

lay more emphasis on…把重心放在……

satify/meet the needs/demands of 满足…..需求

achieve/maintain a balance between A and B 保持A与B之间的平衡

…has been on the rise in recent years 近年来,……的发生越来越多

overcome/get over the difficulty of ….. 克服….困难

fight against 与……作斗争(=combat sth)

pose a threat to … 对…..构成威胁

from the perspective/point of view of…. 从….角度来看

a variety of…. 多种多样的(=various)

play a key role in sth/doing sth 在……中起到重要的作用

be viewed/regarded/considered as 被视为是……



cultivate a sense of competition/ responsibility 培养竞争意识/责任意识

creative thinking skills 创造性思维

acquire/gain a better understanding of … 对……更加了解

acquire/gain knowledge/skills/experience 获得知识/技能经验

scope of knowledge 知识面

enlarge one`s view 拓展眼界

inspire enthusiasm in somebody 激发某人的热情

exam-oriented/compulsory/quality/vocational/distance education 应试/义务/素质/职业/远程教育

have a solid grasp of computer skills 熟练掌握计算机技能

cultivation of innovative talents 创新人才培养


car exhaust fumes 汽车尾气 

emissions of greenhouse gases 温室气体的排放

global warming 全球变暖

climate change 气候变化

environmental deterioration/degradation 环境恶化

protect/preserve/conserve the environment 保护环境

environmentally-friendly 环境友好的

clean energy 清洁能源

renewable energy 可再生能源

energy-saving lamp节能灯 

save energy 节约能源

public transportation vehicles 公共交通工具

the consciousness/awareness of environmental conservation 环保意识

limiting the use of plastic bags 限制塑料袋使用

adopt active/positive measures to do 采取积极措施


a double-edged sword 双刃剑

technical innovation 科技创新

earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的变化

potential hazards 潜在危险

a heated discussion 热烈的讨论

give a great push to the economic growth 极大地推动了经济发展

potential market 潜在市场

provide convenience for…为……提供便利


urbanization 城市化

imbalance 不平衡(=disparity)

optimize allocation of resources 优化资源配置

traffic congestion/jam 交通拥挤

water scarcity/shortage 水资源短缺

over-crowdedness 过度拥挤

unemployment rate 失业

a rapid pace of life 快节奏的生活

pressure of modern life in city 城市生活压力

stress-related illnesses 与压力有关的疾病

long-sighted policy 有远见的政策

job/employment opportunities 就业机会

convenient transportation means 便捷的交通工具

better medical services 更好的医疗服务

poverty-stricken/impoverished 贫穷的

wealthy/ affluent/well-off 富裕的

suffer heavy losses 遭受重大损失

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