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编辑整理:公共英语等级考试网 发布时间:2020-03-29 00:00:00 浏览: 分享

  I'm trying to. 这不吃着呢嘛。

  I don't like asparagus. 不喜欢吃芦笋

  Don't be picky. 不许挑食。

  It was very delicious. Thank you.谢谢款待

  It was a wonderful dinner.

  Would you clear the table? 收拾盘子

  Would you put the dishes away?

  Do the dishes! 把盘子洗了!--I will.

  It's not my turn. 今天不该我洗。

  Wash the dishes!

  I'll dry the dishes. 我擦盘子

  What are you doing? --I'm watching TV.

  Are there any good programs on TV?

  No, not today.

  Nomo is on TV.

  What's on Channel 8?

  Would you change the channel?

  Would you switch the channel?

  Would you change the station?

  I want to watch more TV. 我还想看电视

  You've watched enough for tonight.

  Let's spread out the futon.铺床吧 *铺开

  Let's get the futon out. 把被子拿出来吧

  I'm sleepy. 我困了。

  Why don't you take a nap?你干嘛不睡午觉

  I'm drowsy. *drowsy困得睁不开眼。

  Did you do your homework?

  Did you finish your homework?

  Study hard. 好好学习 -- I am.好好学着呢

  Hurry up and go to sleep.

  Enough with your video games. 游戏玩够了吧。-- I can't quit now. 正好玩着呢。

  Make sure you brush your teeth. --I will.

  Are u ready for tomorrow?--No, not yet.

  I'm going to take a bath. 我去洗个澡。

  Make sure you wash up well.好好洗洗啊

  Time to go to sleep. 该睡觉了。

  Just a minute. 再等一下。

  You left the TV on. 电视还开着呢。

  Sorry about that. 对不起,我忘了关。

  You forgot to turn the TV off.

  Don't leave your stuff here. 别把你的东西都摊在这儿。 -- I won't. 知道了。


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