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2020年公共英语三级(pets3)Part A部分常考话题四

编辑整理:公共英语等级考试网 发布时间:2020-01-04 00:00:00 浏览: 分享

  31. What is the most popular sport in your country?

  I'd have to say that football is really the most popular sport in China. There are literally millions of crazy football fans. Whenever there is a match on TV between China and another country, you can hear loud cheers and shouts all around the city whenever China scores a goal, and loud groans and moans when the other country scores.

  32. How do you spend your free time?

  I attend training courses in the evenings. However, as a mother, I also take my son somewhere on weekends. For example, I may drive to the suburbs or the countryside around Beijing and go fishing, swimming and mountain climbing. I enjoy family life very much.

  33. Do you often go to the cinema/theatre?

  a. Yes. On Friday nights, I usually go and watch whatever's playing. It's kind of a family tradition that I started when my son was young.

  b. No. I'm not really interested in the theatre. I'd much rather read newspapers and watch TV than pay for the theatre.

  34. What kind of films do you like?

  I definitely like comedy best. I don't see why I should pay money to be sad or scared, so I really don't like the tear-jerker type of films nor horror films. I don't mind adventure type films, just as long as they don't become horror films.

  35. Do you often watch TV? What's your favourite programme?

  a. No, I hardly watch TV at all. In fact, I don't find most programmes interesting. I think it's just a waste of time watching TV.

  b. Yes, I like watching the news. But, I don't really watch many other shows on TV besides the news. I just don't have time to see what's on each week. Some TV shows are done in several parts. If you miss one or two episodes, you're really lost. So, because I don't watch TV that regularly, I really find that it's hard to follow a series when I miss several episodes. So, I don't watch them.

  36. Who's your favourite film star? Can you describe him/her to me?

  I like Leonardo di Caprio. I first saw him when he starred in Titanic, and after that I was head over heels in love with him. He's very handsome. .. blonde hair, blue eyes. He has this look about him that makes him seem very sad, but at the same time hopeful. I have his posters all over my room at home.

  37. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?

  Pronunciation. I wish that I could speak just like a native speaker. But, once I open my mouth, it's so obvious that I'm not a native English speaker. I always have trouble with "l"s and "n"s. Sometimes I confuse them. Perhaps because in my dialect, we interchange them all the time. I'm not even aware that I'm doing this. So, I really have to concentrate when I speak English, so that I'm very careful to pronounce things correctly.

  38. What sports are played in china?

  Ping pong and football are probably the most popular sports. China has a very large following of football fans. Even though our football teams don't do well in international competitions — like the World Cup, we still are crazy about football. Other sports that are played in China are badminton, volleyball, basketball, swimming, and tennis.

  39. What is the population control situation like in China today?

  It's better than before. At least things are pretty much under control, but there are still a lot of people in China. I think everyone accepts the fact that they can only have one child. Some of my friends are even thinking of not having any children at all. Most of them, though, are delaying having children, because they're focusing more on their careers right now.

  40. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son?

  Sons are preferred because they carry on the family name. Also, when they marry, their wife joins the family. This means that the parents gain a daughter-in-law. But when a daughter marries, she joins her husband's family. In the countryside, sons can also help more with work on the family's farm, just because they're stronger and have more endurance.

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