2020年公共英语三级(pets3)Part A部分常考话题二
11. Has the transport changed over the past 20 years in China?
Yes, very much indeed. We used to have very few bus lines years ago. Most people would use their bikes to get to places in the city. But now in big cities, there are more bus lines linking different places so it is a lot more convenient. Some cities also have subway lines so it makes traveling much faster than before. There are also more taxis in cities and more people are also using that as a mode of transportation.
12. Let's talk a little about traveling and transport. For a long trip, how do you prefer to travel?
In my country, if it is a long trip, I would prefer to take a train ride. Not only is train ride more economical, but also the time and route have shortened tremendously in the past few years. Air travel is more expensive and they are often beyond my budget.
13. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it?
My hometown is in the outskirts of Beijing. Maybe one hour travel time to get to Beijing. Fairly close I would say. The people there are mostly farmers but many young people have gone to Beijing to work. I like the place because it is very quiet. Unlike the people in big cities who are more complicated, the people of the place where I come from are usually more down to earth.
14. Why do you think trains are better than buses?
Trains are better because they don't encounter any traffic, whereas sometimes in the bus, we get stuck in the traffic. Also, it is always difficult to get on the buses during the peak hour but with the train, you can bet that the chances of getting on are always greater during the peak hour.
15. What kind of parent do you intend to be?
I want to have a good relationship with my child. I have seen so many kids who don't really know their own parents, and I don't want to end up like that. I do plan to be strict, but loving. I want my child to always feel comfortable to approach me, whether they've been good or bad. It's pretty easy to tell you what kind of parent I want to be, but when I actually become a parent, I'm sure I'll have to revise my ideals a bit.
16. How different is your life from the lives of your parents?
It's very different. I have had many more opportunities and a much more comfortable life than they had. I remember my father telling me stories about having just one egg to eat each week, and that was the highlight of his week. I can't really imagine life like that, so I'm grateful that I have a better life than my parents did. I appreciate their hard work to get us to this point in our lives.
17. Who does most of the shopping in your family?
Well, I do most of the grocery shopping because there's a market very close to my work. It's very convenient for me to pick up milk or eggs or what ever on my way home from work. But, my wife also enjoys shopping very much. She usually does a lot of the clothes shopping for my son and me.
18. Are you a good cook?
a. Yes. I learned everything from my mother who was really famous in our hometown for her cooking. I suppose she learned how to cook from her mother as well. I think that's how I won my husband's heart, by being such a good cook. He really appreciates good food, and I enjoy cooking for him.
b. No. I'm a terrible cook. No one has ever taught me how to cook. I barely know how to boil an egg. Well, I do know how to make instant noodles, but it's just a matter of pouring boiling water on them and waiting for some time. I don't like cooking either, but I do like eating. I suppose I'll have to marry someone who is a good cook.
19. Do you have a lot of friends?
It depends on what you mean by "a lot"... I do have one or two very close friends, which is all that I need. I don't have any trouble making friends, and I do have many good friends and acquaintances. But, really I feel most close to just one or two friends.
20. Why did you choose software development as your major?
Because I'd always enjoyed working with computers and I was always good at math and logic. I was fortunate to have a computer in my home when I was in high school, and I spent quite a lot of time just playing around on the computer. My parents bought me all sorts of books on computer programming, and I just started to read them and pick up the ideas in them.
本文标签:公共英语等级考试 口语指导 2020年公共英语三级(pets3)Part A部分常考话题二
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