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编辑整理:公共英语等级考试网 发布时间:2019-10-18 00:00:00 浏览: 分享


  1)家庭人数 How many people are there in your family?

  There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I.

  2)家人工作岗位 what job do your parents have?

  My mother is a teacher, but now she is retired. My father is a policeman, and he is working in a public security bureau.

  3)家人相处情况 Do you live with your parent very well?

  We care for each other. If someone has a difficult problem, the other two help him.

  4)家人对孩子要求过严叙述 Because my family has a only child, it is me. Parents are very strict with me. They ask me to study hard everyday. They said I should go into a famous university, and if I go into the famous university, I can find a better job in the future. Yeah, they are right. But I am not a superman, and I am a common person.

  解决方法 You should have a serious talk with them about the subject. And you should make them know you are a common people, and you want to live an ordinary life.

  5)喜欢多子家庭 I like the family with more children. Because a child is easy to be spoiled. I often see many children spoiled by their parents.

  反驳 there are large amounts of people in China. I think a-child-policy is very good. If the policy will be abandoned, China’s population will be getting larger and larger.

  6)不喜欢单亲家庭 I don't like single-parent family. In order to raise child, a single parent has to work every day, especially night. And they seldom accompany theirs children, theirs children feel very lonely. It easily cause psychological problem.

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