Excuse me... --Yes? 有事吗?
I bought this beautiful pen.
What for? 为何?
Is there a post office near here?
Pardon me? /Pardon? /I beg your pardon?
How about now?
Excuse me? What did you say? /What?
Did you say anything?
I'm sorry, what did you say?
So what? 那又怎么样?(语气轻蔑、冷淡)
What of it?
What does it mean? /What do you mean?
Please explain what you mean.
What are you trying to say?
What do you mean by that?
Are you saying that...? *你是说…吗?
Are you saying that it's a bad idea?
That's right. 是的
Do you mean...?
Are you trying to say that...?
Then what? 后来怎么样了?
And then? /What happened then?
What's he driving at? 他想干吗?
Would you repeat that, please?
Could you repeat that, please?
Could you say that again, please?
Please say it again. /Please repeat that.
You're speaking too quickly.
You're talking too fast.
Please say it more slowly.
Please speak more slowly.
More slowly, pls. /Please speak slower.
Please don't speak so quickly.
Would you slow down, please?
I can't keep up.
Please speak a little louder.
Could you speak up?
A little louder, please?
Speak up, please? /Please speak up.
Please speak louder.
I can't hear you.
I can't hear a word you're saying.
I can't hear you at all.
I can't hear you well.
I couldn't catch what you said.听见、明白
I didn't catch that.
What are you talking about?
What did you say?
How'd things turn out? 结果是…
They turned out to be miserable.
How was it? /How did it go?
How did it turn out? /How did it end up?
To make a long story short,... 简要地说
Just tell me the story in a nutshell.
Give it to me in a nutshell. 简要地说
Let me know the circumstances. 情况
Let me know the situation.
How was the test?
A piece of cake. 简直轻而易举。
It was a piece of cake.
It was very easy. /It was a snap.
It was no problem at all.
It was as easy as 1,2,3.
It was as easy as A,B,C.
How's your cooking going?
So far, so good. 到现在为止还好。
Up till now, no problems.
How's school? --So-so. 马马虎虎。
That's about it. 就是这样
Wow! How'd you do that?
It was nothing. 这没什么。
It was no big deal.
There's nothing to it.
Can you help me E-mail?
Sure, there's nothing to it.
Nothing complicated about it.
And if you plug this in...
It worked! 啊,行了! / It did the job!
What about the new computer system?
It needs work. 还需改进。
It needs more work.
It needs some work.
Almost! 就差那么一点儿。
I thought it was a home run. 本垒打
How's married life?
Going from bad to worse. 越来越糟
Getting increasingly worse.
Getting worse and worse all the time.
He made it big. 取得成功
He became very successful.
He is a big success.
They just fixed the car.
We're set. 准备好了、问题解决了
Let's get going.
Our problem's solved.
We're ready. /We're okay.
本文标签:公共英语等级考试 口语指导 2020全国英语等级考试口语常考话题:反问,询问
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