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编辑整理:公共英语等级考试网 发布时间:2020-06-15 00:00:00 浏览: 分享


  Just start the car!

  How should I do it?

  I can't do it.

  This is the way you should do it.

  This is how you should do it.

  You should do it this way.

  This is how you do it.

  How's this? 这样做怎么样?

  It'll do the trick. 这样就会顺利

  It'll be effective. /That'll work.

  This looks better.

  This is more pleasing in appearance.

  I like the looks of this one better.

  Let me show you how to do it.

  I'll do it my own way.

  I'll do it the way I want to.

  You eat sushi this way.

  Like this?

  You mean like this?

  Like what? --Like chicken.

  It's easy. /It's a cinch. /It's a snap.

  Just like that! 就这样、很简单

  Can you buy guns in America?

  Yes. It's easy, just like that!

  Just as if it were nothing. 简单得不能再简单了

  It's a little hard. /It's kind of difficult.

  It's complicated. /It's complex.

  This is the first thing to do.

  You should do this first.

  You dropped this.

  Oh, yeah. It's mine.

  I think you dropped this.

  I think this is yours.

  Is this yours? /Did you drop this?

  Isn't this yours?

  Doesn't this belong to you?

  It's mine. /It belongs to me. /Yes, that's mine.

  Yes, it's my handkerchief.

  It belongs to me.

  I've lost my wallet.

  I'm in trouble!


以上就是关于“2020全国英语等级考试口语常考话题:教导,提议” 的全部内容,想获取更多公共英语等级考试的相关资讯,如公共英语等级考试常见问题、政策公告。 敬请关注“微信公众号”,第一时间获取报名报考资讯信息~







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