Maybe. /perhaps /possibly 偏否定,概率只在40%
Probably 语感积极,概率在80%-90%
Can you finish the report by Friday? -Maybe.
It may possibly rain, but it will probably be sunny again.
Possibly. /Perhaps. /Probably.
Do you agree? 你同意吗?
Not exactly. /Not quite.不完全同意
Don't you think Japanese people are healthier?
I guess so. /I suppose so.
Do you think it's true?
It might be true. /It's possible. 也许吧(偏否定)
What do you think?
It could be true. /That could be./That could be true. 也许吧(偏肯定)
Is he in the office now?
I'm not sure.
I'm not certain. /I can't say for sure.
It'll be sunny tomorrow.
I hope you're right. 但愿是这样
Is your dog big?
Sort of. /Kind of. 差不多吧!
Is this it?
Yeah, it's something like that.嗯,差不多吧
That's about it. /That'll do. /That's about right.
Don't you think you can save more money in Tokyo?
It depends. 那得看情况 *depend on a case by-case basis基于具体情况
That depends.
Are you going to ask him?
Maybe yes, maybe no.
Can you play tomorrow?
Hopefully. 但愿如此 /I hope so.
Will it make money?
There's no guarantee. /I can't guarantee it.
Will it rain today? --I think so.
Do you know where they are?
I can't say. /I couldn't say. /I can't say for certain. /I can't say for sure. /I couldn't say for certain. 我说不好
Are the people friendly?
Yes and no. 也是也不是
Fifty-fifty. *俚语。
Is that new plan effective?
Half and half. 难说 *喜忧参半/一半一半
Can you find him?
I'll try. /I'll do my best. /I'll try to.
Is your boss nice to you?
It's difficult to say. /It's hard to say.
Is he a good salesman?
Could be better. 还可以更好点
He gave me an ambiguous answer.
His answer was very vague.
He wasn't very clear.
本文标签:公共英语等级考试 口语指导 2020全国英语等级考试口语常考话题:含糊其辞的回答
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