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编辑整理:公共英语等级考试网 发布时间:2020-06-09 00:00:00 浏览: 分享


  I think it's very important.

  I agree. /I agree with that. /I'm with you. /I'm for it.

  I don't agree.

  Tokyo is too expensive.

  I think so, too.

  Let's see a movie.

  Anything you say! 好哇!

  I'm with u. /Okay, let's. /You're in charge. /You're the boss. /I agree with u.

  No objection!

  What do you think of my proposal?

  I don't have any objection to it.异议、反对

  I have no objection to it. /I don't object to it./No problem here. /Sounds alright to me.

  How's tomorrow?

  That's fine with me. 我没问题。

  That sounds good.

  Sounds like a good idea to me.

  How was the proposal?

  How's everything?

  Fine. /Good. /It's acceptable. /Okay.

  How does that sound? 那样行吗?

  That's fair. 那就行了 /Fair enough.

  That meeting was awful.

  You can say that again. 我也有同样感觉

  I'll say. /Definitely.

  Let's go out!

  Sounds like fun. 好像挺有意思

  Did you study for the test?

  You bet. 当然!/一定!

  That is for sure. /You know it. /I'd bet on it. /You can bet on it. /Bet on it. /Of course. /It goes without saying. /That goes without saying. /You betcha.

  Are you for or against his idea?

  How is it?

  The boss approved my proposal.

  Good. /It's good. /Great!

  Let's do this part first.

  Good idea. /Good thinking.

  Bad idea. 馊主意。

  Don't you agree? 你同意吗?

  What you say is partly right. *部分的

  You are partially correct.

  I agree with you partially. 我部分同意


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