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编辑整理:公共英语等级考试网 发布时间:2020-06-08 00:00:00 浏览: 分享


  It's all your fault!

  Don't blame me, I'm innocent.

  Don't say it's my fault.

  Don't put the blame on me.

  Don't accuse me.

  You're to blame. 这是你的过错。

  Why me? 怎么是我?

  It's your fault.

  We will not take your illness into consideration.

  Put yourself in my shoes.你站到我的立场上想想

  Try to see it from my point of view.

  Try to see it my way.

  Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

  How do you live with yourself?

  You should be ashamed of yourself.

  I'll give him a piece of my mind. *give...a piece of...'s mind 严厉批评

  I'll give him a piece of my mind for lying!

  I don't blame you.

  I'd like you to lie for me.

  Please don't involve me!

  I don't want to get involved.

  I got in trouble for lying.

  I told you so. You shouldn't lie.

  See, I told you so.

  There now, didn't I tell you?

  You should have listened to me.

  My son stopped going to school.

  You knew that, didn't you?

  It is as if I had done something wrong.

  It's as if it's my fault. /It's as if I'm to blame.

  It's like I did something wrong.

  He chickened out at the last moment.

  Don't take it out on me. 冲…发火

  Don't take your frustration out on me.

  Don't treat me badly just because you had a bad day.

  I didn't do anything wrong!

  Pay up! Pay your debt! /Pay me back!

  Give me my money now!

  Can you wait till next month?

  You'll pay for this.

  You're out of your mind! 你疯啦!

  You're off your rocker. /You're nuts.

  You shouldn't say things like that.

  Don't say stuff like that.

  It's for your own good!

  I don't want to.

  It's for your own good!

  It's for your own benefit.

  It's for your own sake.

  You've got an ugly tie on.

  Why are you picking on me? 责备、挑刺

  He always finds fault with my work.挑剔


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