Since his election last May, French President Emmanuel Macron has tried to, and maybe believed he could, bend Donald Trump's convictions. Macron sought to turn the U. S. president away from nationalism, protectionism, and climate-change skepticism and toward his own vision of a world in which strong, sovereign nations collaborate to find multilateral(多方面的)solutions to transnational problems. At first he attempted to become Trump's best friend. But now he approaches the U. S. president with a tone that sounds almost injured.
During an appearance with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau before the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized democracies gathered in Quebec, Emmanuel Macron didn't just reflect on the policies that put Trump at odds with many of the other participants, though there are plenty of those. The leader of America's oldest ally also stated that the U. S. needed to be persuaded to remain in the community of nationsn一to stay not in the narrow confines of the Paris accord or the Iran deal or some free-trade agreement with the European Union, not even in the broader transatlantic alliance, but in the broadest dimension of the civilized world.
Ahead of the G7 meeting—which includes Canada, the United States, Japan, France, Italy, Germany ,and the United Kingdom—he noted that while Trump may not “ mind being isolated,'‘ the other " six countries represent shared values” and "true international force. " He vowed to “fight hegemony,n which he defined as the u survival of the fittestn , a concept he has previously associated with those who practice unilateralist foreign policy. " Hegemony,'‘ Macron said, spells “ the end of the rule of law. ”
And Macron, it turns out, has company. On Friday, European Council President Donald Tusk, who warned days into the Trump administration that the new American president posed a threat to European unity ,arrived in Quebec for the G7 summit and reported that the threat, in fact, was actually much bigger than that. The "rules-based international order is being challenged,n he argued——“not by the usual suspects, but by its main architect and guarantor: the U. S."
"We cannot force the U. S. to change their minds,” Tusk noted. "At the same time, we will not stop trying to convince our American friends and President Trump that undermining (暗中破坏)this order makes no sense at all. Because it would only play into the hands of those who seek a new, post-West order, where liberal democracy and fundamental freedoms would cease to exist. This is in the interest of neither the U. S. nor Europe. This order and these values are worth fighting for. " Tusk insisted, " They define our way of life."
1. According to Paragraph 1, what did French president Emmanuel Macron try to do?
A) He criticizes Donald Trump's personal behavior.
B) He wishes to cooperate with Donald Trump.
C) He is concerned about the development of the world.
D) He attempts to change Donald Trump's views.
2. Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
A) Macron humiliated Donald Trump in front of the seven leaders.
B) Donald Trump's policies encountered many leaders5 opposition.
C) Macron persuaded other leaders to stand on his side.
D) Justin Trudeau agitated the leaders against Trump's ridiculous policy.
3. The word "spell" ( Line 5, Para. 3) probably means .
A) indicate B) relieve
C) eliminate D) alleviate
4. According to Donald Tusk, the threat posed by Donald Trump is .
A) America being isolated
B) America being extruded from the G7
C) the establishment of a new international order
D) the rules-based international order being broken
5. It can be inferred from last paragraph that Tusk views building a new order with .
A) passive acceptance B) severe criticism
C) slight hesitancy D) full indifference
自去年 5 月马克龙当选法国总统以来, 他一直在尝试着改变特朗普的种种执念,可能是觉得自己有这实力吧。 马克龙一直在试图改变美国总统的国家主义、保护主义、气候变化怀疑主义的论调,想让其认同自己对世界的愿景:强大的主权国家应携手合作,以多边方案解决国家间的矛盾。 最开始,他还尝试着与特朗普成为朋友,但他放弃了。 现在他与美国总统聊天时,经常冷嘲热讽,话中带刺。
七国集团成员国的元首到达魁北克之前, 加拿大总理贾斯汀· 特鲁多首次露面之时,马克龙故意在众多领导人面前,把特朗普所制定的多个与其他成员国元首意见相左的政策又搬上了台面讨论。 美国最老盟友的领导人表示,美国需要有人来说服他们留在“ 国际社会” 中———不是留在狭义层面的与欧盟缔结的巴黎协定或是伊朗协议或者其他自由贸易协定中,也不是在更广义上的跨大西洋联盟中,而是留在最广义的文明世界中。
早在 G7( 包括加拿大、美国、日本、法国、意大利、德国、英国) 峰会召开之前,马克龙就指出, 特朗普可能并不“ 在意被孤立”,而其他的“ 6 个成员国则代表了共同的价值观” 和“ 真正的国际力量”。 他呼吁要“ 同霸权主义抗争到底”,他认为“ 霸权主义” 就等同于“ 适者生存”。 他之前也会把这一概念与那些实行单边主义外交政策的人联系起来。 (48) 马克龙说:“ 霸权主义,就意味着法制社会的终结。”
事实上马卡龙是有支持者的。 欧盟理事会主席多纳尔德·图斯克多日以来一直警告说,美国的新总统特朗普政府会对欧洲的团结造成威胁。 他于周五抵达魁北克参加 G7 峰会,并且在会上强调,事实上威胁远不止如此。 ( 49) 他警告道:“ 基于规则的国际秩序正面临挑战,挑战它的不是别人,正是这个秩序的缔造者和保证者———美国。”
图斯克指出,“ 我们没法强迫美国改变主意, 但与此同时,我们也不会放弃说服我们的美国朋友和特朗普总统,削弱这一秩序毫无意义。 因为这样只会让那些想要一个新的后西方秩序的人有了可乘之机,那样的话自由民主和最基本的自由都将不复存在。 ( 50) 这不符合美国与欧洲的共同利益。” 这种秩序和这些价值观值得我们去捍卫,图斯克强调道:“ 因为他们定义了我们的生活方式。”
1. 【答案】 D)
【详解】事实细节题。 首先根据题干可以把此题定位在第一段。 文中首段句中提到 French President Emmanuel Macron has tried to, and maybe believed he could, bend Donald Trumps convictions. 从而可得知法国总统马克龙尝试
改变特朗普的各种执念, 即后面提到的 na- tionalism, protectionism, and climate-change skepticism,因此本题的正确答案应选择选项
D)。 选项 A) “ 他批评了特朗普的个人行为”,马克龙重在批评他的政治观点而非他的个人行为。 选项 B)“ 他希望与特朗普合作”,文中提到最初马克龙希望与特朗普合作但是后来他放弃了。 选项 C) “ 他关心世界未来的发展” 这一点未在文中提及。
2. 【答案】 B)
【详解】判断推理题。 根据题干信息可定位到第二段。 第二段中提到the policies that put Trump at odds with many of the other partici- pants,从而可知特朗普的政策与七国集团的领导们的意见不一致,他的政策遭到了各国领导的反对,因此可知 B) 为正确选项。 选项 A)“ 他当众侮辱了特朗普” 和文章内容不符,根据原文可知他只是将特朗普的观点拿出来进行讨论, 并没有对特朗普进行侮辱。选项 C)“ 他说服各国领导站在他这一边” 未在文中提及。 选项 D)“ 贾斯汀·特鲁多煽动各国领导反对特朗普荒谬的政策” 也未提到。
3. 【答案】 A)
【详解】 词汇题。 第三段中提到 He vowed to “ fight hegemony,” which he defined as the “ survival of the fittest,” a concept he has previ- ously associated with those who practice unilater- alist foreign policy. 也就是说他反对霸权主义,并且霸权主义和单边主义相关,因此可推断 Hegemony spells “ the end of the rule of law. ” 意思为霸权主义意味着法治社会的终结,因此选项 A) “ 表明、预示” 为正确选项。选项 B)“ 减轻”,选项 C)“ 消除”,选项 D)“ 缓和” 均不符合语境。
4. 【答案】 D)
【详解】事实细节题。 根据题干所提到的Don- ald Tusk 可定位到第四段,在第四段中 Donald Tusk 提到 the new American president posed a threat to European unity,美国的新总统对欧洲的团结造成威胁,并且rules-based international order is being challenged( 基于规则的国际秩序面临着挑战),因此可知美国总统的政策会导致健康的国际秩序被打破进而导致欧洲的不和谐,即 D) 为正确选项。 选项 A) “ 美国被孤立”,选项 B)“ 美国被逐出七国成员”,选项 C)“ 新秩序的建立” 均不符合文意。
5. 【答案】 B)
【详解】观点态度题。 观点态度题一般要从段落的开头或者末尾找答案。 根据最后一段的末尾可知 This is in the interest of neither the U. S. nor Europe. This order and these values are worth fighting for, Tusk insisted. 在这句话中 the order and these values 指的是旧的基于规则的秩序,因此新的秩序会导致民主和自 由的消亡,这不符合美国和欧洲的共同利益, 因此要维护旧的有规则的秩序,所以选项 B) 正确。 选项 A)“ 被动接受”,选项 C) “ 轻微的犹豫”,选项 D) “ 完全的漠不关心” 均不符合语境。
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