1. 经济发展与环境保护 Economic Development and Envir.
Some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the environment. They think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid
economic development. For example, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities. Deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining. Our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gassesand waste products. It is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are developing.
However, other people think it unnecessary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development. They believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the process of economic development. They are only the by
products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money.
I think the second idea is completelywrong. Our ultimate aim in economic development is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our people. What is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our environment? There has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development.
2. 树立目标的重要性-The Importance of Goal
Why is goal-setting important? Because goals can help you do and experience every meaningful thing you hope for in life. Instead of letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.
Successful people have visions of what their life should be and they set lots of goals, both sbort-term and long-range, to help them realize the visions. By setting goals you are taking control of your life. It is like having a map to show where you want to go. A driver with an aim arrives at the destination without any waste of time or wrong turns. On the contrary, a driver with no aim drives aimlessly around, never getting anywhere and just using up gas and oil. Winners in life set goals and follow through on them. They decide what they want and then get there by making plans and setting goals. Goals ara not difficult to set and they are not difficult to reach. It is up to you to find out what your goals, ideals and visions really are. With a clear direction, and with certain plans, you will straightly get what you want.
Without a goal, you have to live a passive life. You do not know where to go, what you want and why you are listless. Then your life be comes dull and meaningless just like the dead water in a muddy lake.
本文标签:公共英语等级考试 写作指导 2020年公共英语四级写作指导:经济发展与环境保护
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