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编辑整理:公共英语等级考试网 发布时间:2020-06-08 00:00:00 浏览: 分享

  【图片描述引入句[Embarrassed feeling flooded my mind instantly when I saw this drawing. (图片描述).[总结句]Beyond doubt, this picture explicitly pointed out that 主题词 exists as quite realistic negative power in our growing course

  【主题引入句]As is incisively depicted in the realistic drawing above, the appearance of 主 题词 is the corresponding social problem caused by excessively rapid development of modem society (which improved the living standard of people at the same time).【举例说明】 According to recent survey conducted by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, three-fifths of the youngsters suffer from 主题词.Who is to blame for the existence of 主题词?[问题原因分析]In my opinion, the following three factors should definitely be counted in.【原因 1 】 On the top of the causes might come the drive of interests. People always prefer things that benefit them.【原因 2 】 Then comes the absence of responsibility. Some self-concentrated people just focus on inpidual interest(regardless of the existence of social responsibilities, resulting in the appearance of 主题 词).【原因 3 ]Last but not the least, the defective legal system is also one of the reasons that make the phenomenon of 主题词 exist.

  【结论/建议引入句】Given all above arguments, it admits of no doubt that the negative function of 主题词 rests in both vital and trivial issues. 【建议: 社会】Therefore, we should enhance our sense of social responsibility.【建议: 政府】 At the same time, the authority should strengthen the imperfect social system.【建议: 民众】With a proper law and an alert public,it will only be a matter of time before the problem of 主题词 becomes things of the past 模板解析:


  1. 图片引入句:当我看到这幅图片的时候羞愧的感觉瞬间充斥了我的脑海!图片 描述。

  2. 总结句:毫无疑问,这幅图片旗帜鲜明地指岀了主题词在我们人生成长过程中 的比较现实的消极影响。


  1. 主题引入句:正如上面这幅现实性的图片所描述的那样,我认为主题词是现代 社会过快发展(带给人们生活水平提高的同时)岀现的相应的社会问题。

  2. 举例说明:根据中国社科院最近发布的一项调查,五分之三的年轻人因主题词 而受到伤害。

  3. 问题原因分析:谁应该为主题词的社会现象买单?在我看来,下列与个因素难 咎其责。

  4. 原因1:首要因素的是由于利益的驱动,人们经常倾向于对自己有利的事情。

  5. 原因2:其次是责任的缺失。现代社会中那些习惯凡事以自我为中心的人只美 注个人得失(从而忽视了社会责任感的存在,导致了主题词的岀现。)标

  6. 原因3:最后,法律系统的不完善也是导致社会上岀现了一些主题词现象的一 个原因。


  1. 结论/建议引入句:从以上我们的讨论来看,主题词的消极影响岀现在生活中 的大事小事上。建议:社会:因而,我们要努力提高社会责任感。




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